Curriculum vitae - Dr. Gitta Jorewitz
since July 2016
Jo-St Jorewitz Steuerberatung
Lüneburg, Partner
You will find a list of services that I provide under the link "services"
2013 - 2016
TPW Todt & Partner GmbH & Co. KG
jetzt "Baker Tilly Roelfs"
Hamburg, Senior Manager,
tax technical department,
filing claims in front of European Court of Justice and Federal Fiscal Court, consulting restructurings, taking care of tax audits, writing reports, Compliance
2007 - 2012
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Hamburg, Senior Manager
tax technical department,
Regional Manager of the European Direct Tax Group (EUDTG), writing reports, consulting in restructurings, claims in front of fiscal courts, taking care of tax audits, giving lectures
2006 - 2007
Hanseatic Consult Nohl & Partner
Hamburg, Manager
preparing and auditing financial statements, Compliance, taking care of tax audits, filing claims in front of fiscal courts, writing reports on tax matter
2003 - 2005
KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG
Hannover, Manager
Compliance, taking care of tax audits, consulting restructurings, writing reports in tax matters, giving lectures
September 2003
Ph.D in international Tax Law
Titel: Impact of the European Law on German Taxation
1999 - 2003
University of Hamburg
Institute for Fiscal Science
postgraduate/research assistant
Giving lectures and seminars in taxation, preparing and correkting exams, taking care of theses, writing publications and reports on tax matters
January 1999
passing the exams as tax advisor
1996 - 1999
KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG
Schwerin, tax assistant/tax advisor
preparation and audit of financial statements, filing tax returns, taking care of tax audits, writing tax reports/opinions
1995 - 1996
ADS Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Hamburg, tax assistant
bookkeeping, preparation of annual financial statements, filing tax returns
Financial Science at HSBA, Hamburg
2002 - 2003
Financial Science at HSBA, Hamburg
Voller Vorsteuerabzug bei reinen Führungsholdings zu gewähren und Neuregelung der Organschaft erforderlich
Eine Anmerkung zum EuGH-Urteil v. 16.7.2015 in den Rs. C-108/14 Larentia + Minerva und C-109/14 Marenave
Internationales Steuerrecht 2015, S. 721 – 727
Please download here >
Entwicklung der EuGH Rechtsprechung (von Marks & Spencer bis heute),
in: Verlustberücksichtigung über Grenzen hinweg, S. 31-47published by PwC and BDI, Freiburg, Berlin, München 2011
New referral to ECJ: German tax credit limitation
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lüdicke,
Tax Planning International European Tax Service, May 2011, p. 31
Anmerkung zum Vorlagebeschluss: Verstößt die Höchstbetrags-Berechnung gegen Europarecht?
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lüdicke,
Internationales Steuerrecht 2011, S. 387
AG opinion on the deductibility of a perpetual annuity: Schröder case (C-450/09)
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lüdicke, Tax Planning International European Tax Service, February 2011, Seite 35 f.
Case pending with the Federal Fiscal Court on commercially maintained business establishment in CFC legislation,
in cooperation with Caroline Wunderlich, Tax Planning International European Tax Service, April 2010, p. 29
Urteils-Anmerkung: Rückwirkend phasengleicher Abzug von französischen Betriebsstättenverlusten im Inland,
Internationales Steuerrecht 2010, S. 111
Der neue Vorlagebeschluss des BFH zu § 50c EStG oder: Zweck und Regelungsinhalt der Norm richtig verstehen!,
in cooperation with Andreas Kempf,Internationales Steuerrecht 2008, S. 787-793
Urteils-Anmerkung: Anwendung der Mutter-Tochter-Richtlinie auf französische Einfache Aktiengesellschaft vor dem Jahr 2005?,
Internationales Steuerrecht 2008, S. 600
ECJ decision in the Burda case (C-284/06),
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lüdicke, European Tax Service, BNA International, August 2008, p. 24
European Commission opens infringement proceedings